All parts and accessories needed for EXPRESSO LATT’ESPRESS
EXPRESSO LATT’ESPRESS Compact size, delicious taste
Delivering exceptional cappuccino with the push of a button, the KRUPS Latt'Espress packs grand cappuccino taste into a compact package. This cappuccino machine and espresso maker brings together One-Touch Cappuccino, a Milk Container, a crystal-clear LCD screen, and the KRUPS Compact Thermoblock System for perfect results from bean to cup.
Delivering exceptional cappuccino with the push of a button, the KRUPS Latt'Espress packs grand cappuccino taste into a compact package. This cappuccino machine and espresso maker brings together One-Touch Cappuccino, a Milk Container, a crystal-clear LCD screen, and the KRUPS Compact Thermoblock System for perfect results from bean to cup.
27 accessory/ies for this productEXPRESSO LATT’ESPRESS
Take care of your coffee machine
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Extends the life of your espresso coffee maker
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Get the most out of your machine and your coffee
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To prolong the life of your coffee grinder Espresso machine and preserve the authentic taste of your coffee
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Essential tool for assembling the Claris F08801 filter cartridge
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Preserve the aromas of your coffee!
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Coffee grounds collector with a capacity of 9 coffees.
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Remember to empty it from time to time
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